Yoko Ono Finally Admits to Breaking Up The Beatles

Yoko Ono Finally Admits to Breaking Up The Beatles

Yoko admits to breaking up The Beatles. Yoko Ono, the widow of Beatle John Lennon, has finally admitted that she was the cause of the The Beatles break up. Rumors have swirled for decades that Yoko was the reason for the break up, but she has denied that, until now.

Yoko Breaking Up The Beatles

During a recent interview with Madhouse News, Yoko was asked about the breakup of The Beatles and snapped. “Yeah I broke up The Beatles” screamed Yoko “There I said it, now get off my back. Of course it was me you big dummies. Who else would it be? Can you imagine if you were in an amazing band and one of the members started bringing some annoying chick around all the time? You would lose your mind too. Then imagine if you will, the girl sings like someone stepping on a cat but you have to take her seriously?” 

White Album

John Lennon and Yoko started dating in 1968 and eventually married in 1969. The Beatles officially broke up in April of 1970. During the recording of The Beatles ‘The White Album’, Yoko Ono demanded to be in the studio and followed John everywhere including the bathroom. She insisted on playing the Bass, even though she had no idea what she was doing. She tried to tell George that he should pee on the Guitar instead of playing it and she often farted on Ringo’s drum stool just to annoy him. 

Yeah I Broke Up The Beatles – So What!

“John was The Beatles” continued Yoko. “I told him that he did not need those other guys. I forced him to record Revolution#9. That was the best thing The Beatles ever recorded. Honestly, the rest of their music is trash. My songs are so much better than those bad Beatles songs. Some of John’s songs were OK, but my songs are the best.”


Paul McCartney commented “Oh Thank God! For 50 years I had to keep this secret and pretend to like that old bat. About time she confessed. Of course Yoko broke up the Beatles.” 

Let it Be

Ringo Starr stated “The final straw was during the recording of ‘Let it Be’, when Yoko insisted that we record her on the toilet taking a dump. She insisted that we release that as the first single instead of ‘Get Back’. She threw her dirty tampon at me when we refused. Me, Paul & George walked out after that and never looked back.”

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62 thoughts on “Yoko Ono Finally Admits to Breaking Up The Beatles

  1. This has to be fake news, she’s either tired of the same old question and just agreed with it. I can’t believe she would go as low as to doing all that to anyone. But then, you never know, maybe she did?

    1. She may not have been the only cause, but she certainly was one of the reasons. Now she’s lived a very comfortable life off of John’s name, when that should have been Cynthia (before Slut Yoko broke them up).

      1. She was one of the reasons but not the main reason. The Beatles were getting to the point they wanted to work on their own and stretch their talents. There were so many legal fights going on which caused much tension. They were all getting fed up. They broke off but became friends again after time passed.

    2. Of course this is “humor” but unfortunately a lot of the comments and the overall narcissism ring true.

    3. This is satire, Paul, George, and Ringo have all said that Paul’s and John’s egos and personalities were the primary causes of the breakup, yoko was a symptom at most.

    1. I believe she actually was this obnoxious, John was kind of a chicken shit and probably used her to make his statement about quitting. They probably would have stayed together another 4 yrs had he never met that slut and even longer if their beloved manager Epstein hadn’t died.

      1. Yoko is the most nastiest person on the planet. Check out one of her albums, she used John’s glasses on the cover with John’s blood on them. Yes, the actual one he was wearing when he was killed.

  2. You never need proof. It’s human nature. The guy protects the girl. And then the girl gets away with anything, no need for manners or respect. A pushy self serving, get away with anything. An Americanized sociopath. Just an observation from an amused spectator.

  3. I don’t believe anything written or quoted by Ringo and Paul in this article. It’s all BS.

  4. The truth of the matter is that the Beatles broke up in 1966 when they stopped touring. You can hear it in their individually. Yoko was just the last straw. They were all looking for a quick way out.

  5. Wow, think of the music this band would have gone on to create together. They truly stuck by John over the years and did not reveal the truth. The love / respect these guys had for each other is still a song in itself. Thank you Yoko for coming clean.

  6. Sad and unfortunate regardless. The greatest band of all time cut short. They could have gone on to create more fantastic music for the whole world to enjoy. This self righteous disgusting pig had a lot to do with the breakup. Maybe not 100% the cause, but a major contributing factor, along with drugs, and Brian Epstein’s death. It is a shame. A loss for everyone. Except for the old hag who got everything she wanted, John Lennon’s name and money, which she could never achieve on her own. Yoko is a miserable excuse for a human being.

  7. I believe that is all true because I’m a huge fan of the Beatles songs. I have always been a fan ever since I started listening to their songs. I have books about them as well.

  8. Yoko broke up Johns marriage for sure but as much as i dislike her, I would not give her that much credit. John was really more influential in breaking up the Beatles. Alan Klein had a hand in it also. It was just that there was a lot of pressure and George and Ringo had both walked out but no one but the Beatles themselves could say why they broke up. Historically it just worked out that way. You still had collaborations of them together and they still released music individually until the postumous reunion during the Anthology which proved the Beatles were never gone, nor shall they ever be. “THEIR NAME LIVETH FOREVERMORE”

  9. So many doubters in reviews but I believe Paul and Ringo . They were there they know the truth. She is a bitch as she’s always shown herself to be.

  10. I think the Beatles officially broke up in 1966 right after they stopped touring. When Brian died that was the final nail in the coffin.

  11. I have it on good authority that Yoko was on the grassy knoll in Dallas November 22, 1963.
    Years later, she piloted the Exxon Valdez in Alaska.
    Where was she on September 11? Right! New York. The list goes on. How much did she pay Chapman to eliminate her competition at the Dakota?

    1. Don’t forget how she hired Sirhan Sirhan to take out R.F.K., filmed the Watergate burglars and made them force Nixon to resign and broke up Talking Heads and R.E.M.

  12. I think one of the reasons of the breakup was John & Paul were jealous of George. They hardly ever put his songs on their albums. George was a much better song writer than both John & Paul. He proved it when he was the first to come out with an album after the breakup. All Things Must Pass was a phenomenal LBUM.

    1. Jealous of George? Ridiculous! They didn’t think he was a good enough songwriter which is why he couldn’t get his songs on the albums. Yes he came good in the end (for a short while) but when you have the two greatest songwriters ever in the band mediocre songs will get overlooked.

  13. apparently there are some folks out there who don’t recognize parody when they see it……

  14. The beatles broke up because john George and ringo wànted klein to be their ne2 manager and Paul wanted eastman to be their manager, a relative of his wife. Paul’s wife broke up the beatles followed by Paul. 0aul thought his solo career would be great. His first album “McCartney ” was a terrible mess. yoko was extremely annoying but she didn’t break up the Beatles.

  15. Even though, I was only eleven years old, I feel responsible for the break up of the band.
    No real reason. I just feel responsible.
    I am simply LOADED with guilt, about a myriad of things.
    For instance, even though I was barely more than a toddler, I pinched Jack Ruby’s left butt cheek, which made him squeeze the trigger on Lee Harvey.

  16. Well Yoko is in her 80s and probably her mind is going .There were problems going on ,and John was not the greatest guy to get along with.But yes she was the main reason.But these things are alittle disturbing. Do people really listen to anything she has recorded solo ?

  17. Ridiculous, the poor woman lost her husband- he was shot. Gossip not kewl. And seriously, farted on his drumset and peed on his instruments? Sounds like something a juvenile delinquent would make up.

  18. Look..The Lads were tired, rich, John was a dick, Yoko a suckup and off and John knew it was time…For him. Uyoko was the perfect foible to undo what was once a great band.John wanted to move and live in NY and George wanted to publish his stuff, Paul wanted to tour with Linda and Wings and Ringo was partying in LA. But..true..Yoko was a PITA and a whack job as well.
    ‘The long and winding road’…

  19. I can’t believe all the people taking this seriously. This is a satiric article: not the best I’ve ever read, but satire non the less .

  20. Elvis is returning to Earth on a spaceship with a super new diet! Donald Trump is sleeping with Joseph Biden to make Ivana jealous!

  21. Honestly Jhon L, let the Beatles down for taking sides with mental yoke And the Beatles just couldnt and wouldn.t have IT.. Yoko is ugly inside out ,and disrespecting the Beatles, was the lowest thing ANYONE can do.

  22. I believe that if The Beatles just took a “time out”, before things got so out of control, they would have recorded together again. They always were brothers but like all families, had some issues that needed time to mellow. There were a number of factors contributing to the breakup.

  23. Yoko is a witch! My dog accidentally got locked in a room with “Live Peace From Toronto “ playing on repeat for 9 hours and became catatonic. I also saw her face in a grilled cheese sandwich! (That caused me to accidentally torture the dog).He is alright now after seeing a cat.The cat was apparently a tonic…

  24. Que los Beatles en realidad se separaron cuandooo…bla bla bla, los Beatles rompieron cuando Paul anuncio su salida, no hay más y si, Yoko tuvo mucho que ver, por supuesto que sí alguien llega a entrometerse en un trabajo que solo y únicamente era de cuatro y además con estupideces, pues por supuesto que terminó separándolos y John tuvo gran parte de culpa porque el pudo fácilmente darle su sitio a cada quien y el sitio de la japonesa era en el mejor de los casos fuera del estudio de grabación, sobre todo porque no tenía ni idea de la música y sus horribles aullidos solo espantaban al más paciente o sea Ringo.

  25. Yoko is innocent. People are always blaming her for the Beatles breakup but in truth it was Priscilla Presley. Now you all know, please leave Yoko alone.

    1. It’s in the past history. John and George are gone Paul and Ringo have moved on and if they were together today you would probably have four different versions of what went on. History can not be changed so it needs to be left alone and enjoy what the Fabulous Beatles did best their music.

  26. They were so young when the group was formed. Each wanted to grow as individuals and the talent was there. Yoko was so irritating but became a minor factor. As wonderful as they were, it was time to break up.

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