Ted Nugent Replaces Whoopi Goldberg On The View

Ted Nugent Replaces Whoopi Goldberg On The View

Ted Nugent On The View. ABC announced today that Rocker Ted Nugent will be joining the cast of The View. Nugent will replace Whoopi Goldberg who was placed on suspension again. It is rumored that Whoopi made outrageous remarks, passed gas in the halls and continually ate the executives lunch out of the VIP refrigerator. 

During a recent episode of The View, Goldberg cracked jokes that she thinks of “Schindlers List” as a comedy. She then went on to say The Holocaust had nothing to do with race, before goose stepping around the studio with her finger under her nose simulating a mustache. Whoopi, contrary to popular belief is not actually Jewish. Her real name is Karen Johnson. 

Ted Nugent On The View

Nugent, known for his pro gun, hunting and patriotic views, is a shocking choice to replace Goldberg. ABC spokesperson Ed Lemond released the following statement, “Due to the unfortunate incident with Ms. Goldberg, we decided to go in a different direction. The parting of ways with Whoopi was mutual as she decided to spend more time with her cats and gorging herself on spicy Cheetos. We wish her all the best in her future endeavors.”

Ted Nugent Replaces Whoopi Goldberg On The View

Nugent plans on making a grand entrance. Ted told Madhouse News that for the first episode he plans on entering the set riding a buffalo while shooting an ‘AR’ rifle. “I am going to kick things off in style. My co hosts or as I call them, “Heffalumps” are in for a rude awakening. I don’t want to say these ladies are fat but I was watching The View on ABC the other day and turned to NBC and Joy Behar’s A$$ was still there.”

We tried to find out what the View was about but could not find anyone that has actually ever seen it. We were able to track down someone in Canada who refers to himself as the View’s number one fan. Blake Looney explained, “The show is about a bunch of loud mouth yentas talking about nonsense.” 

Face For Radio

Nugent continued, “It’s a shame what happened to Whoopi but she really has a face much more suitable for radio. We are going to shake up The View format. We have a lot of new exciting things planned. I am looking forward to my new segment where I skin and clean a dead animal. I wanted to do a live on location thing where I invite Joy out to my ranch and I stalk and hunt her. The network rejected that one.”

Related Stories: Ted Nugent and Bon Jovi to Star in New Odd Couple on CBS

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24 thoughts on “Ted Nugent Replaces Whoopi Goldberg On The View

  1. Now there’s a thought, pull that lame show out of the gutter, and put it back into the real world. I might even watch it now..

  2. He’ll Yes! Remember when it actually meant “ The View”. What happened to other people’s view. It became the woopie ,sunny,and joys view.

  3. Finally get a REAL AMERICAN on that bias crap of a talk show! Couldn’t stand watching it, so didn’t! Now we need some real host to replace the night shows!

  4. I hope this is true. If it is I would definitely watch the show. Now every time it comes on I change the channel.

  5. I hope this is true! Old Ted riding on stage on his Buffalo. Ted is a outstanding man what he does for the children. A true rocker. Ted ” they all did drugs and are dead but I’m still Ted”. I watched a bunch of his hunting shows. Lol. If this happens the view will get many viewers and ratings.

  6. Old Ted riding on stage on his Buffalo. Ted is a outstanding man what he does for the children. A true rocker. Ted ” they all did drugs and are dead but I’m still Ted”. I watched a bunch of his hunting shows. Lol. If this happens the view will get many viewers and ratings.

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