Stevie Wonder Tasered By Michigan Police After Accidentally Leaving House


Michigan Governor, Gretchen Whitmer, ordered police to taser Stevie Wonder after he accidentally left his house during a stay at home order that was issued for the entire state. 

Stevie Wonder, born and raised in Michigan, still maintains a home there and was riding out the quarantine in the comfort of his palatial home. Stevie, who is blind, made a wrong turn looking for the kitchen and ended up on the street. Whitmer, happened to be passing by and ordered her team of Police Officers to arrest the man. 

The officers tasered Wonder after they mistook his walking stick for a gun. Stevie was hit with a 50,000 volt stun gun, after he failed to respond to police calls to drop the “weapon”.

Stevie Wonders WTF is going on!?

Freddie Fry, who was power walking near the scene told Madhouse News he heard police detaining the man. “They shouted ‘lie down on the ground’ and I heard a dog barking as well”, Mr Fry said. “Even I could tell the guy was blind, and that it was Stevie Wonder. He had dark glasses on and a cane and was visibly blind!”

Stevie Wonder was tasered, hogtied, jailed and fined $1000 for leaving his house. Witmer stated “Officers responded quickly to the incident to ensure the safety of Michigans citizens and followed proper procedure. 

Stevie commented “WTF, I went to get a V8 from my refrigerator and I make a wrong turn, I am blind you know? I ended up getting tasered on my gonads and hogtied. I had no idea what was going on. I think I regained my sight though. I can see, I can see! It’s a miracle!”

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