Steve Miller Arrested For Defecating on Rock HOF!


Steve Miller was arrested for moving his bowels on the steps of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland Ohio. Miller was inducted to the Rock HOF last year and was vocal about his distaste for the way he was treated. 

After the induction, Miller called the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame a “private boys’ club” full of “fucking gangsters and crooks.” Miller told Howard Stern, that he’s “planning to investigate” the organization. “It’s gonna get better. I’m gonna get these guys,” the rocker screamed. “They’re gonna be sorry that they treated all these people this way.”

Steve Miller

Apparently, Miller got his revenge! When asked for comment, Jann Wenner, Editor of Rolling Stone magazine and head of the Rock HOF,  said “What the fuck is wrong with this guy? He craps on the steps of the Hall of Fame? I am going to pick up his turds, gift wrap them and send it to his mother”!. “If he wants a war, I will give him a war”!

Miller was booked and released by Cleveland police, but is banned for life from the Rock HOF, and his subscription to Rolling Stone Magazine was cancelled.