See Shocking Photo of Howard Stern Caught Without Wig

See Shocking Photo of Howard Stern Caught Without Wig

The debate whether Shock Jock Howard Stern wears a wig has split his fans for many years. Half the fans say he wears a wig or a weave or a hair system of some kind and the other half believes it his real hair but he dyes it. 

That debate is now over as Paparazzi snapped a photo of Stern on the streets of New York City. The proof is in and Howard is as bald as an egg and the little hair that he does have, is gray. So technically all his fans are right. Howard wears a wig and he even dyes the wig. 

Howard Stern Wig

Over the years there have been hints. After all do you know any other 70 year olds with a full head of jet black hair. Howard claims it is genetics but his mother has gray hair and his father is bald. Stuttering John obtained a photo of Howard’s maternal grandfather and the man was bald as a cue ball with thin wisps of white hair on the side. Also, what about the white facial hair? How many 70 year olds have white facial hair and jet black curls. 

See Shocking Photo of Howard Stern Caught Without Wig

The jig was almost up quite a few times. The most notable is when Gary Busey was on the show and ended up wrestling Howard to the ground. You can see the wig shifting as Busey is manhandling Howard. Stern nervously straightens the wig and quickly runs away.

All staffers must sign an NDA and are threatened with huge lawsuits for spilling any show secrets. Only the inner circle know about the wig. This includes Robin, Gary, Fred, and of course Ralph. Ralph is the hair dresser and keeper of the wig. Why else would Howard befriend such a goofy loser. Former staffers Artie, Shuli, Stuttering John, Jackie and Brent all walked in and saw Howard bald or somehow found out about the wig. They were ushered right out the door and off the show. Some were never heard from again. 

Of Course It’s a Wig

“Of course it’s a wig” said Stuttering John. “His hair got darker and his curls got tighter as he got older. Physics cease to exist on Howard’s head. Show me one other 70 year old on the planet that has hair like Stern. You can’t because it’s a wig. The wig has it’s own room and even named it. He calls it Allison. Why do you think she divorced him? He was in love with his wig. He is a sick man.”

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