Roger Daltrey Once Punched Fan For Calling Him Peter Frampton

Roger Daltrey Once Punched Fan For Calling Him Peter Frampton

The Who frontman Roger Daltrey once punched a fan in the nose for calling him Peter Frampton. The incident occurred in March 1976 in Boston, MA. Following their concert at the Boston Garden, the band and crew went out on the town. A fan came up to Roger and mistakenly called him “Peter Frampton”. The fan was immediately punched in the nose. He escaped a further beatdown as Roger was restrained by security. 

It was a cold icy night in Boston. The Who were kicking off a world tour, but things were not going well. The tour had a disastrous start when drummer Keith Moon collapsed on stage just two songs into the Boston concert, causing the show to be postponed. 

At this point Daltrey explained to the crowd that Moon had the flu. Townshend joked that Keith apparently had some bad meat in the can. Only later was it revealed that Moon’s downfall that evening was not the flu or meat in the can, but instead “a near-lethal intake of brandy and barbiturates”.

Not Peter Frampton

Anyway, to drown their sorrows, Roger, Pete, John, roadies, beggars and hangers on all went out for a night on the town. A local came up to Roger in a bar after a few pints and asked for an autograph. Roger obliged but the man was dismayed to learn he was not Peter Frampton.

Roger Daltrey Once Punched Fan For Calling Him Peter Frampton

Eventually The man was identified as Phil McCracken of South Boston. McCracken threw the autograph back in Roger’s face and demanded he sign it as Peter Frampton. “Who the fook is Roger Daltrey? I want Peter Frampton’s autograph” screamed McCracken. 

Roger Daltrey Punches Fan

Daltrey went medieval on McCracken and broke his nose. As McCracken was down on the ground in the fetal position Daltrey reigned blows on the man and repeatedly kicked him in the ribs until security restrained him. McCracken was taken to a local hospital and teated for cuts, bruises, broken nose and cracked ribs.

Peter Frampton

In a recent interview Daltrey told Madhouse News, “I remember that night well. I was in a foul mood that night. At that time, Frampton Comes Alive was just out and was becoming the biggest album ever. Frampton was the media darling of the time and quite a few people did confuse us. Don’t get me wrong mate, I love Peter and he is a great guitar player but come on man, he looks like a bird, a chick. Let me put it this way, if we were in jail together he would be washing my knickers. That’s all I have to say about that.”

Related Stories: Pete Townshend Not Deaf! Clever Trick to Avoid Roger Daltrey’s Complaining.

1 thought on “Roger Daltrey Once Punched Fan For Calling Him Peter Frampton

  1. Roger has a more distinctive profile than Frampton. A nicely shaped hooked nose.

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