Poll: Kanye West Takes Huge Lead. Biden Now Tied With Biz Markie at 1%


One day after announcing he is running for President, a new poll shows that Kanye West has a commanding lead in the Presidential race. 

As feared by the Biden camp, West has 100% support of African American voters. Kanye also has support of Democrat voters, rap music fans, fans of the Kardashians and even Joe Biden’s wife. 

This big swing has left Joe Biden with only 1% of voter support, and tied with rapper Biz Markie, who also threw his hat in the ring this morning. Biz Markie of course, had a big hit in 1989 with “Just a Friend”. 

Mr. President?

‘Sir Mix-A-Lot’, who had a huge hit, with ‘Baby Got Back’, is also contemplating a Presidential run. “‘Baby Got Back’ is an anthem” said Sir, “If Biz Markie can be president, why can’t I?”

The poll was conducted by the independent polling firm of, ‘Dewey, Cheatem & Howe’. 7 people were surveyed, on July 4th between 3pm and 3:15pm. The margin of error was 99.9 percentage points.

Just like all polls, this poll is unsubstantiated and swayed. The poll may or may not have been taken at Kanye West ‘Yeezy’ brand headquarters. Claude Dewey, partner of Dewey, Cheatem & Howe commented, “Polls are completely random and unscientific, only dummies will take the time to take a poll, so it is  a big waste of time, but we get paid so we keep doing it.”

2 thoughts on “Poll: Kanye West Takes Huge Lead. Biden Now Tied With Biz Markie at 1%

  1. This is awesome!!! I just wish Larry Dallas would run …. his running mate could be good ole Mister Furly … aka RF.

  2. Good Stuff … I just wish Larry Dallas would run …. his running mate could be good ole Mister Furly … aka RF.

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