Peter Criss: “Gene & Paul Sterilized Me With Microwave Oven”

Peter Criss: “Gene & Paul Sterilized Me With Microwave Oven”

Former KISS drummer Peter Criss claims that his ex-bandmates Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley sterilized him using a microwave oven. The incident is alleged to have taken place back in 1979. Criss alleges that Simmons & Stanley held his genitals directly in front of a microwave oven and turned it on full power. 

KISS formed In 1972, when Criss placed an advertisement in the East Coast edition of Hiney Boy Magazine, which read: EXPD. ROCK & roll drummer looking for orig. grp. doing soft & hard music. No douchebags, posers, makeup or head cases. Willing to do anything – Peter, Brooklyn. A lot of weirdos took the ad the wrong way and Peter ended up tied up naked in the trunk of a car in Bayonne, NJ. Then Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley answered the ad and KISS was formed. 


With Casablanca records almost bankrupt and their first 2 albums not selling well, Kiss was in danger of being dropped until Kiss Alive in 1975. After that, Kiss was riding high. Kids loved the pyrotechnics, the makeup, the costumes, the blood, the tongue and the merchandise. However, it all started going downhill in 1978. Solo Albums, ‘Kiss Meets the Phantom of the Park’, disco songs, taking off the makeup, drinking, drugs, infighting. It was a disaster and Peter finally left the band in 1980. 

Peter Criss: “Gene & Paul Sterilized Me With Microwave Oven”

However, during the 1979 ‘Dynasty’ tour of North America relationships were at an all time low point. Criss recalls, “We were in Vancouver, Canada at The Pacific Coliseum. It was November and freezing cold. “Loverboy” was the opening band. You know that crappy band with the douche that wore a headband. They had that one hit song Working For The Weekend but were bigger than Elvis over there. I swear the USA should have invaded that ridiculous country for forcing that band on us.”

Peter Criss vs Microwave Oven

“Anyway, they had a microwave oven backstage. They were pretty new at the time and we were acting like jerks. We were putting all different items in the oven and watching them catch fire or blow up. I mentioned I read somewhere that Microwaves can make you sterile. As a prank Gene and Paul grabbed me and held my junk right in front of the microwave and put it on high. I swear I could feel my gonads frying.”

“Following that incident things were never the same. Over time, My marbles shriveled up like tiny raisins. I had recurring headaches, nightmares, and incontinence. The worst part is that my love juice turned to dust. I would have liked to have more children but it was a funny prank, I have to give that to them. We did have some good times together.”

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