Ozzy Osbourne is the New Host of Jeopardy


ABC announced today that rocker Ozzy Osbourne will be the new host of Jeopardy.  ABC which owns the syndication rights, as well as distributor CBS Television and producer Sony Television, all have officially confirmed the news.

Ozzy will have big shoes to fill as beloved longtime host Alex Trebek passed away. “No one could ever replace Alex” said executive producer Harry Friedman, “but Alex named Ozzy as his wish for a replacement. He loved Black Sabbath and his favorite song was ‘War Pigs’. He used to blast that song before every show.” 

Ozzy Loves Trivia

It is a little known fact that Ozzy is a huge trivia buff. He is also a big fan of the show. “Oh I love Jeopardy” said Ozzy, “I watch it every night with Sharon. I have no idea what the heck they are talking about. I don’t know the answers from the questions, but I do enjoy the lights and buzzers.” 

Ozzy Osbourne is the new host of jeopardy
What is….Ozzy!?

Trebek made his choice known a year ago. Alex worked with Ozzy on the rules of the game. And to bolster his trivia knowledge. “I remember on the first day, Alex was trying to tutor me and kept repeating ‘potpourri’ and ‘potent potables’ over and over” said Ozzy. “I still don’t know what any of that means. But I am pretty sure I will have the questions or the answers written down, I am still not sure which.” 

When asked if the contestants will be able to understand Ozzy, spokesperson Vinny Fonderico commented, “Well yes he is hard to understand sometimes, but we think that will add a new dimension to the show, a new complexity. During the auditions, it took 30 minutes to get through one question. The contestants had no idea what Ozzy was saying and just had to guess the question. It was hilarious. The question was – each of these organs is encased in a sac called the pleura? After 30 minutes Sharon Osbourne read the answer, it was a lot of fun.”

The network considered other replacements as well, including: Mike Tyson, Ronnie Wood, Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino, Flava Flav, OJ Simpson and Gary Busey. “They all tested really well” said Producer Frank Lima, “OJ Simpson tested very well but the focus groups hated him, and the studio audience pelted him with garbage.”

6 thoughts on “Ozzy Osbourne is the New Host of Jeopardy

  1. The cancer must really have affected Alex’s brain. What was he thinking? Everyone thought Ken Jennings would replace him. At least he has class and demeanor. Well, that’s goodbye for us.

    1. Are you so dense that you don’t understand how satire works? The satire went over your head, I can’t believe you blamed this on Alex as well, you don’t even deserve to watch Jeopardy.

  2. Well Joan P Carrozza,

    Here at CBS, we were looking forward to an easy transition for Jeopardy host to Jeopardy host. Joan it just doesn’t look like that’s gonna happen is it. Here we go the beacon of light shines out of a trailer park from Hollywood FL. i bet you smell of whiskey and cigarettes’ smoke before you post about our superstar Ozzy Osbourne, check your mailbox…ill wait….was there a check from CBS waiting for you…no because your a taletless hack. do think i havent seen your cross stitch, So Joan sit back shut up and love OZZY.

  3. I think its wonderful. I look forward to ozzy running out, screamingbhe loves us and biting the heads off contestants

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