Miracle Bird Poop Looks Just Like David Bowie

Miracle Bird Poop Looks Just Like David Bowie

A man in Upper Sandusky, Ohio claims that he can clearly see David Bowie’s face in bird droppings on the windshield of his car. 

Monday was a regular workday for Roger Gindi. He never expected to witness a miracle. “I got up at 6AM, showered and headed off to work” said Gindi. “Then I stopped at Frosty Frog’s House of Donuts as I do every day. I ordered a large coffee with cream and sugar and 2 bear claws. As I was getting back in the car to continue to my office, I noticed some birds had attacked my car while I was in the donut shop. I noticed that one dropping looked familiar. Upon closer inspection, I saw a face. I then recognized the image and screamed – It’s David Bowie!” 

David Bowie Bird Poop

A crowd soon gathered and Gindi realized he had something. Gindi carefully drove home and parked his car in the garage to protect and preserve the miracle bird poo. “I immediately contacted an attorney” said Roger. “He advised me to hire a Manager and a publicist, which I did. I am now charging $25 per person to come to my garage and see the miracle poo.”

Miracle Bird Poop Looks Just Like David Bowie

Neighbors are not happy as the entire street is packed with Bowie fanatics, and news trucks. Helen Mahoney, who lives directly next door to Gindi is very upset. “These freaks are using my lawn as a toilet” said Mahoney. “They are blasting loud rock music all hours of the day and night. I can’t get any sleep and my husband Claude has to be up early. He needs his rest. I have children sleeping here. This is a disgrace.”

Besides the $25 entrance fee, Gindi is selling T-Shirts and 8×10 images of the pooh. He has opened a gift shop in his shed. Roger created a website, bowiebirdpoo.com and is now appearing on the talk show circuit. 


“I know I have to capitalize on this right away” said Gindi. “This is my big chance. I quit my job and I will be appearing on The View, Jimble Kimble, I can’t even remember the others. They are all the same but I am excited for the big interview with Dan Rather. A whole hour talking about my Bowie bird poo. I have hired an armed guard as well to protect my fortune. One good rain and everything I worked for will be down the drain. I am now in talks with Bowie’s estate and the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame to buy the entire vehicle. I am hoping to get $1.7 Million. Not bad for a 2009 Nissan Sentra eh?”

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