Mick Jagger Wins NYC Marathon! Sets New Record!


It must be true that a Rolling Stone gathers no moss! 70 or 80 something year old Rocker Mick Jagger has won the NYC Marathon!

Jagger beat over 100,000 other runners to win the 26 mile marathon that meanders throughout all 5 boroughs of NYC. Jagger set a new world record as well, finishing the race in exactly 26 minutes! That is correct, you read that right, Jagger ran an amazing 1 minute mile for 26 miles. To make the feat even greater, Mick flew in on the red eye from Las Vegas after performing a 2 hour concert with The Rolling Stones!

Gathers No Moss

Jagger who is in excellent physical shape, trains daily, but has not been training to run the marathon.  Jagger was just out for his daily jog when he saw the runners. “I figured I would pop in and give it a go” said Jagger. Of course being Mick Jagger, the marathon executives gave him last minute approval to run in the race. 

Mick Jagger Wins NYC Marathon

Jagger beat out olympic runners, past marathon winners, Nigerians, Ethiopians and fellow rocker Billy Joel. “He runs like a gazelle” said Nigerian front runner Adebowale Adefolake. “We were neck and neck for like 10 seconds and then he turned and smile at me and took off like the Roadrunner cartoon. I was left in a puff of dust!” 

Mick Jagger Wins NYC Marathon

Jagger wins $100,000 for 1st place, plus an extra $50,000 for setting the new time record. “That’s lovely” said Mick Jagger. “I sure could use the money with Christmas right around the corner. I have something like 27 kids you know!?” After he picked up his check, Jagger then ran the entire marathon route back home again, after a quick stop at Starbucks.  

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