Man Starts Go Fund Me to Pay Twisted Sister to NOT Reunite

Man Starts Go Fund Me to Pay Twisted Sister to NOT Reunite

A Twisted Sister Reunion? In a world where nostalgia reigns supreme and bands from the ’80s are digging out their spandex for yet another reunion tour, one man has decided enough is enough. Meet Barry “Metalhead” Thompson. A 45-year-old graphic designer from Toledo, Ohio. Thompson has launched a GoFundMe campaign with an unconventional goal: he wants to pay the hair rock band Twisted Sister to Not reunite.

Barry’s campaign, titled “Silence the Sister,” went live last week. It has an ambitious target of $10 million, aiming to cover what he humorously refers to as “hush money” for the band members. “Look, I like ‘We’re Not Gonna Take It’ as much as the next guy,” Barry confessed in his campaign video, “but if I hear Dee Snider yell ‘We’re not gonna take it!’ one more time, I’m moving to a cave in the Himalayas.”

Twisted Sister Reunion

The response has been, predictably, mixed. Some rock enthusiasts see Barry as a hero, a modern-day Prometheus bringing fire to the masses who silently loathe yet another ’80s revival. “Barry’s doing the Lord’s work,” commented one supporter, donating $500 with the note, “For the love of all that’s rock ‘n’ roll, let them stay retired! I can’t look at a bunch of fat old guys in makeup and spandex. I can’t and I won’t.”

Man Starts Go Fund Me to Pay Twisted Sister to NOT Reunite

Twisted Sister if you don’t know is a 1980s Hair Metal band. They had a big hit with ”We’re Not Gonna Take It” from their 1984 album Stay Hungry. The song sold well but is considered nothing more than a silly pop song by true Rock and Metal fans. One metal fan commented, “Why does Dee Snider consider himself Metal? He is a one hit wonder pop singer. Basically Twisted Sister is The Bay City Rollers wearing makeup.”

Silence The Sister

Whether “Silence the Sister” will succeed in its audacious goal remains to be seen. However one thing is certain: Barry “Metalhead” Thompson has struck a chord in the hearts of those tired of the relentless drumbeat of nostalgia tours. 

Thompson vows if successful, he will create further campaigns to stop the madness. “We have to take a stand before it’s too late. Limp Bizkit, Insane Clown Posse, Jane’s Addiction, Motley Crue must be stopped before they are unleashed once again on the unsuspecting public.”

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