Jimmy Page Unaware ‘Woman’ He Took Photo With Was Paul Stanley

Jimmy Page Unaware ‘Woman’ He Took Photo With Was Paul Stanley

Guitar legend Jimmy Page mistook KISS frontman Paul Stanley for an elderly woman during a recent photo op. 

The Led Zeppelin guitarist ran into Stanley on a street corner in London. Stanley ran up to him to ask for a photo together. Jimmy obliged as he always does but was completely unaware the request came from another rock star. Jimmy believed the person in the photo was an elderly female Led Zeppelin fan. 

Dude Looks Like a Lady

“I had no idea it was a bloke” said Page. “It looked like a woman. I assumed it was a bird I shagged back in the 1960s or something. Or maybe it was that chick with the fish back in the 1970s. She mumbled something to me and I thought she said her name was Paula Stein or something. I thought she was a nice old jewish lady from America. I can never understand those Yank accents. However, I should have known something was up when she got close and I saw the beard stubble. But then I figured maybe it was a trans person. There is a lot of that going around now too.”

Jimmy Page Unaware ‘Woman’ He Took Photo With Was Paul Stanley

Stanley is a huge Page and Led Zeppelin fan. “Page is my guitar god” said Stanley. “He is the reason I picked up the guitar and play a Les Paul. It is heartbreaking to me that he doesn’t know who I am. I must have met him 20 times over the years. I thought we were good friends.”

Jimmy Page Meets Paul Stanley

Page admitted that he has no idea who Stanley is. “You are saying he is a bloke and he is in the band KISS. Is that the lads that wear all that makeup? Maybe I met him when he had his makeup on? That is probably why I don’t recognize him. It is understandable that I confused him for a lady though. I believe I saw some cleavage. He looks like a lot of women I have seen in New York City. Granted he is a terrible looking woman, but I have seen worse. I thought he was a chick that had a rough life. You know the kind, they look like they were ridden hard and put away wet.”

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