Interview with Steven Tyler & Joe Perry


Madhouse had the honor of sitting down with Steven Tyler & Joe Perry of Aerosmith. This is their first interview since the Joey Kramer Incident.

Madhouse: So tell us your side of the Joey Kramer story

Steven Tyler: Well here’s the story in a nutshell. Joey got injured when he was anally impaled by his drum stool. He has not been the same since. He ended up with PTSD from that and I can’t blame him. Being raped by your own drum stool is a traumatic incident, but I have to think of the band and what’s best for the band. I couldn’t risk Joey peeing his pants on stage at the grammy’s. It was a big gig. 

Madhouse: So what is the band’s relationship with Joey now?

Steven Tyler: Ahhh I love Joey but who cares, he’s only the drummer. I can get a monkey playing a cymbal to replace him. We will see what happens. 

Madhouse: 2020 is the 50th Anniversary of the band. Do you guys have anything planned?

Steven Tyler: Well we may throw Tom Hamilton out of the band too. [laughs]. Actually I am going to be very busy training for the Olympics. I am on the USA Men’s Trampoline team. I cleaned up in 2016 and I think I still got it. I can bounce like a MF bro. 

Madhouse: Did you ever think of putting a trampoline below the stage considering all the times you fell off the stage.

Steven Tyler: Yes that is genius, I wish I thought of that. It would have saved me from a lot of pain. Joe write that down for next tour. 

Joe Perry: F*ck you Steven, write it down yourself. I am not your slave. 

Steven Tyler: Shut up Joe before I slap you silly. 

Joe Perry: Bring it on you woman, I will break your hip

About the Artist: Paul W. King is a musician, singer/songwriter, engineer and acclaimed artist. His illustrations are true works of art. Check out all of his incredible Rock n Roll Caricatures.

Madhouse: Ok settle down boys. Joe, what has it been like dealing with Steven all these years as lead singer?

Joe Perry: OMG – speaking of PTSD – do you have 8 hours? This guy is the biggest PITA I have ever met. He is exhausting but I love him. I actually formed a support group for guitarists who have to deal with insane lead singers. Slash and I lead the group. It has been quite helpful. 

Madhouse: Recently your original 1970’s tour van was discovered. Did you hear they found a groupie still living in there for over 45 years!? 

Joe Perry: Yes I heard that. I remember that girl, she gave us crabs. Filthy animal. 

Steven Tyler: Oh yes Sweet Yvonne. We called her ‘The Kielbasa Queen’ for reasons I am sure you can imagine. My balls are itching just thinking about her. She was a lot of fun. God Bless her. 

Madhouse: Steven what is the origin of your fashion style? It is quite unique.

Joe Perry: Yeah unique is a nice word for it. He looks like my drunk Aunt.

Steven Tyler: [gets Joe in a headlock] I told you to shut up Joe!

Joe Perry: [laughing] Get off of me Aunt Sheila!

Steven Tyler: Actually I worked out the look with a very famous stylist.

Joe Perry: [laughing] Who you kidding Steven you know you stole your look from Maude. Bea Arthur would be suing you right now if she were alive. Nice housecoat fruitcake. 

Steven Tyler: That’s it, you are dead now [starts choking Joe]

Madhouse: Ok boys we better wrap this up before someone gets hurt

Steven Tyler & Joe Perry Illustration By Paul King Art