Guns n Roses Started Out as Boy Band!

Hidden away for decades, it was just uncovered that Guns n Roses started out as a Boy Band before becoming the bad boy rockers that we know and love. Investigative reporter Michael Haddad exposed the truth after a decade long investigation.
Way before New Edition, New Kids On The Block, Backstreet Boys and N’Sync, Impresario Maurice Starr and his partner Mary Alford discovered Boyz n Roses, and guided their early success. The Boys were groomed, trained and honed at the school for boy bands created by Starr.
Boyz n Roses
Fifteen-year-old Axl Rose immediately impressed Starr and Alford with his rapping skills, dancing ability and showmanship, becoming the group’s first member. At this point Rose assisted in helping to recruit other members. Among them were his best friends Duff McKagan and Izzy Stradlin. He also coaxed one-time schoolmate Saul Hudson – who sang an exceptional falsetto – into auditioning for Starr as well. Upon Hudson’s passing the audition, his friend Steven Adler was accepted into the group as well.
With the final line-up in place, Starr rehearsed the boys diligently. He worked the group after school and on weekends, and eventually secured the group, a recording contract at Columbia Records. They were hyped as the White Jackson 5 and The cool Osmonds.
Basically Boyz N Roses lasted for 9 months and recorded one album, “Hey Girl”, which peaked at #172 on the charts . The band toured with Menudo, and opened up for the punk band “The Sex Pistols” in San Francisco. A rare copy of “Hey Girl” signed by Axl Rose recently sold at auction for $1.7 million.
Guns n Roses
Alas, drugs, puberty and arrests led to the break up of Boyz n Roses. The lads remained in contact until the 1980’s when they formed “Guns n Roses”. GnR went on to sell billions of records. They became one of the most famous hard rock acts of all time.
Related Stories: Axl Rose Replaces Band Members with Clones of Himself For Guns n Roses Tour
Omg. I just knew that the band guns and Roses look like this in a young age first. Very cute
I choose to believe this is real and not a joke.
Of course that also means they didn’t write the music lol
Complete nonsense. Izzy and Axl grew up together in Lafayette Indiana and left together at age 17 to LA. Duff was playing in bands in Seattle until his late teens before also leaving for LA. Adler and Slash were as already out of LA. They all played in other bands before joining GNR but never played atrocious boy band music
Poppy pants
Pst, it’s satire…
I agree! How idiotic can you be! Get your facts straight, first, before you post it! Come to think of it, that might require to much brain power 🤦
HAHA. I knew the picture looked familiar, but I also knew it was NOT GNR. Is that a young Ricky Martin in the middle? I need to go google this.
Psst! It’s not satire.. satire is political lampooning. This is just made up stuff about stuff ..for fun.
Correction, Boris: POLITICAL satire is political. Satire is not, in and of itself, political. That’s simply the most common genre in which it’s employed. This is more of a parody; it’s silly rather than scathing. I will grant that. Regardless, it’s a joke.
Waaayyyy over yer head
Madhouse Magazine
My friend you need to look up the word satire
It was a joke
This is SATIRE… COMEDY. Good grief.
Lol… that is Menudo in the picture …. so sad that I know that ha ha
I’m the missing fifth childhood band member, I had to quit because Slashes mom wouldn’t do peanut free lunches, and I was banging Axles mom.
That’s the wrong photo!! That was MENUDO, Puerto Rican group.. check Ricky Martin first group
Wow. People really need to learn what satire is. Or at least red the damn article.
that’s Menudo 😉
The picture is of the first original members of Menudo. Rene, Johnny, Xavier, Miguel and Ricky.
I see no Ricky..
Obviously a joke.
This is very cute, but all fake.
The number of people here who have no idea what satire is is really quite sad. I believe I may have finally lost what remains of my faith in the human race.
Funny and lets you think, what if.. Could have choosen a much less famous boy band for the pic..
That picture is of Menudo, a boy band, from Puerto Rico.
People, chill !! I thought the same as most of you. I follow GnR since the 80’s, read every book, seen all individual bands from the members. Got to meet Steven twice. Look at the name of the magazine. It’s a Rock n Roll Comedy magazine. Now relax. I almost snapped too.
Why I quit guitar old rock heads have no sense of humor especially when it cimes to there heroes
It’s a joke !!! Jeezzzz !!! It’s a JOKE !!!!
This must be true , it’s on the internet
Sweet Child O’ Mine was originally written about a boy
quiero rock!
que eche fuego mi habitación!