Glenn Frey Pranked Don Felder By Hiding Rattlesnake in Toilet

In a new Interview, Eagles guitarist Don Felder confessed that he almost died after an extreme prank by Glenn Frey. Frey hid a rattlesnake in Felder’s dressing room toilet. When Felder went to take care of business he was bit on the genitals by the snake. The Eagles had achieved great success but also had a lot of inner turmoil. The relationship between Felder and Frey was contentious to say the least but came to a head on this night.
The prank took place after a concert in Long Beach, California on July 31, 1980. This was the infamous show where Felder and Frey had an onstage fight. The night prior, Glenn accused Don of dropping a deuce in his personal dressing room toilet. “I don’t want anyone using my toilet but me” screamed Frey.
Frey vs. Felder
The anger continued onstage with each man sneering at each other and making threats of bodily harm. Felder screamed “Only three more songs till I kick your a$$, pal.” Frey countered with, “Great. I can’t wait, you are a curly headed freak and after this song, I am going to punch you square in the face. Then I am going to kill you.”
The gig ended with Frey smashing a guitar against the wall backstage and speeding away in a limo, but not before he hid the rattlesnake in Felder’s toilet. Apparently before the show Frey procured a poisonous rattlesnake from a local snake charmer. It had been starved for a week to render it more aggressive. Frey knew that Felder always took a post show dump. When Don sat down the snake pounced and bit him right on his twig and berries.
Burning For You
Soon thereafter, Felder began feeling pain and a burning sensation in his privates. That pain radiated out to his groin and up to his abdomen and chest. His junk swelled up like the Grinch’s heart. It grew three sizes and he needed urgent medical attention. A helicopter was called and Don was airlifted to the nearest trauma center.
When Frey arrived at the hospital his genitals were swollen and deep purple. He was suffering from scrotal necrosis as well. Necrosis is a medical term for tissue death. So basically his scrotum was rotting away. The doctors gave Don eight doses of snake venom antiserum, tetanus prophylaxis, and antibiotics. After a year his wounds healed and he recovered full use of and full sensation in his wiener.
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