Eminem is The New Voice of Simpsons Dr. Hibbert


“The Simpsons” has officially recast the voice behind one of its Black characters originally voiced by longtime cast member Harry Shearer.

Springfield’s jovial physician Dr. Julius Hibbert will no longer be voiced by Shearer.  The  Fox series announced in June that it will no longer have its Black characters voiced by White actors. Shearer has played Hibbert and several other characters on the show for more than 30 years.

According to Popular Mechanics Magazine, Hibbert will now be voiced by Rapper Eminem. Shearer’s final episode voicing Hibbert will be on Sunday’s episode titled “Dairy Queen.” Eminem will reportedly take the reins for the first time as Hibbert in the upcoming episode titled “Wad Goals.” 

Eminem is the new voice of Dr Hibbert

Simpsons creator Matt Groening stated, “The plan going forward is to have a UN like pool of every conceivable ethnicity on staff. Only Black actors will do the voices of black people, Eskimo voices will be by actual Eskimo actors, and so on.” When told that Eminem is actually white, Groening commented “Are you sure? I don’t think that is true. He is a rapper.”

Bijon Ronaghy, spokesperson for the National Advancement of Cartoon Characters (NACC) told Madhouse News, “This is a great day for cartoon characters all over the world. We still have a lot of work to do, but we are making huge advances.”  When told that Eminem is actually white, Ronaghy commented “Are you sure? I don’t think that is true. He is a rapper.”

We could not find anyone that actually knew that The Simpsons was still on TV. However, SAG Vice President Jm J Bullock commented, “I long for the day when actors only play themselves. It is wrong for an actor to play anyone but themselves. That is basically lying.”

2 thoughts on “Eminem is The New Voice of Simpsons Dr. Hibbert

  1. I found this blog strange. I have been a fan of the Simpsons since the day the came out !!I couldn’t imagine them not being on tv anymore. Also in the era on the BLM ..its a drastic move to put Eminem on the show as a voice over to improve ratings and its understandable . some may take issue to this , but the rapper is hilarious !! I do not watch Fox News period and I do not see enough net flix to judge everything but this will be a healthy move. I hope this Simpsons stay on tv forever as tv would be totally BORING without them!!

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