David Crosby Anally Gored During Running of the Bulls!


Shocking footage has emerged showing musician David Crosby being gored by a bull – and ended up with it’s horn up his backside.

Crosby 75, was horrifically gored during the annual running of the bulls in Pamplona Spain. Crosby was smacking and tormenting the bull and managed to outrun the animal for several minutes. Crosby who is incredibly fast and spry for his age, was leading the pack when he slipped running down an alleyway leading to the bullring. This is when Crosby ended up on the wrong end of the bulls horns.

While Crosby was sprawled on the floor, the furious beast saw his chance and dug into Crosby’s rectum with reckless abandonment. When it was all said and done, Crosby ended up with the bull’s horn some 11 inches up his rectum, causing “severe” injuries.

Rectum!? Nearly Killed ‘Em

“It was horrific” said witness Miguel Padron. “The bull seemed to really relish inflicting pain on Crosby, but like the old saying goes, you mess with the bull you get the horns”.

More than 1,000 participants packed the narrow cobblestoned streets of Pamplona’s old town. The bulls came out strong from the starting gate and completed the 930-yard (850-m) run within 2.5 minutes. Ten people, including four Americans, were gored in the festival last year. In all, 15 people have died from gorings in the festival since record-keeping began in 1924.

Crosby is the first American rock star to be anally gored during the event. Not counting the time The Village People performed in Pamplona in 1977.