Dave Grohl Posts Rare Photo Of Day He First Met Kurt Cobain

Dave Grohl posted a rare photo of the day he first met Kurt Cobain. It was the summer of 1981 and the two boys met after winning an MTV contest. The prize was an all expense paid trip to the MTV studio in NYC. The pair got to meet their favorite DJ’s and celebrities. They also received an Atari video game system and a lifetime supply of “Rice-A-Roni”, The San Francisco Treat.
It all started when Dave submitted 8 postcards to MTV in hopes of winning the incredible prize. His postcards joined more than a million other postcards sent to Music Television from across the country in hopes of being picked at random as one of the five the grand-prize winners. A week before the deadline Dave sent in 5 more postcards hoping lucky 13 would put him over the top.
One day while eating his Captain Crunch, MTV VJ Martha Quinn read Dave’s name on the air as one of the winners. Grohl did a happy dance around his living room in his pajamas. Little did Dave know that at the same time, a young Kurt Cobain was dancing in his underpants as he heard Martha read his name as a winner also.

Grohl posted to social media, “The photo you see here was taken August 31, 1981. It is the day I first met Kurt. I was 12 and Kurt was 14, we were small and goofy for our age. We both won a contest to visit the MTV offices in NYC. A car picked me up at my house and dropped me off at the Airport. When I landed at JFK Airport in NYC I was introduced to one of the other winners, it was Kurt Cobain. We took this photo together.”
Dave Grohl Meets Kurt Cobain
Grohl explained in detail to Madhouse News, “We had a ball in New York City. It was a dream come true. We got to meet Martha Quinn, The Buggles, Eddy Grant, Devo, Pablo Cruise and David Lee Roth. Kurt and I had pizza with Sting, went to a Broadway play with Billy Squier, bowling with Hall & Oates and finally toured the Empire State Building with Tommy Tutone.”
“After our trip ended we lost touch and did not speak again until I joined Nirvana. For the entire time we were in Nirvana together, we never realized that we met during years earlier at the MTV thing. It wasn’t until France Bean showed me this photo and I had a copy of the exact same photo. We put two and two together and then it hit me, totally amazing story.”
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