Complete Guide To Our Politicians Favorite Music


We take a look into the musical likes of some of our favorite sociopaths, world leaders and US politicians. 

Donald Trump – President of the USA

Favorite music: Classic rock, Neil Young, Lynyrd Skynyrd

“I love classic rock”, said Donald. Unfortunately none of these clowns will let me use their music and they hate me, so I have to pretend to like Kanye West, Kid Rock, Ted Nugent and Country Music. I like all types of music, but the one thing I hate is those hair bands of the 1980’S. Wow was that terrible.

Hillary Clinton – NOT President of the USA

Favorite music: “I don’t like music!”

Hillary Clinton responded to our musical poll by stating that she does not like music at all. Music is none of her business and she prefers power and striving for power and crushing her enemies to dust.

Joe Biden – Former VP of the USA

Favorite music: Folk Music, The Weavers, The Kingston Trio

Joe Biden was a big Folk music fan in the 1950’s and enjoyed the music of The Weavers and Pete Seeger. However, it was also Joe Biden that turned them in to Senator McCarthy as Communists and ruined their careers. Biden also admitted to actively booing Bob Dylan at The 1965 Newport Folk Festival. “I like acoustic folk music like ‘If I had a Hammer’ “ said Biden, “not that Rock n Roll stuff. It makes my brain hurt. I booed the hell out of Dylan and I threw my feces at him.”

Vladimir Putin – President of Russia

Favorite music: Russian Death Metal, Berzerker

KGB agent, martial artist and all around psycho, it makes sense that Putin enjoys the melodic sounds of Russian heavy metal music. Bands like ‘Abominable Putridity’, ‘Slaughter to Prevail’ and ‘Tears of Mankind’ help Vlad relax and unwind after a busy day. Vlad’s all time favorite band is ‘The Berzerker’, an extreme metal band from Australia.

Mike Pence – Vice President of the USA

Favorite music: Christian Rock, Stryper, Faith+1, Pat Boone

Pence is an evangelical born again christian and is not allowed to listen to the Devil’s music. Rock n Roll is strictly off limits. Mike does like to get down to the cool sounds of Christian Rock, Pat Boone and other vanilla artists with no genitalia.

Boris Johnson – Prime Minister of the UK

Favorite music: 1980’s New Wave, Depeche Mode, PIL, Adam Ant

Did you know Boris Johnson was the keyboard player and singer of the 1980’s band ‘Flock of Seagulls’ who had a #1 hit with ‘I Ran’. So it figures that Boris loves the synthesized new wave sounds of the 80’s. ‘Bronski Beat’, ‘Erasure’, ’Mickey’ by Toni Basil, ‘Der Komissar’ by Falco, Boris loves them all.

Angela Merkel – Chancellor of Germany

Favorite music: German war songs from WWII, Oompah music & David Hasselhoff. 

Angela was born into a post WWII Germany. She got her love of music from her father Klaus, who was an SS officer and bodyguard to Hitler. After the war, Klaus would often sing Hitler’s favorite songs to little Angela as lullabies. Merkel loves to drink beer and dance to polka music and is an accomplished accordion player. Merkel’s all time favorite singer is none other than David Hasselhoff. She brags to have seen him perform over 700 times and she was quoted as having described Hasselhoff as better than The Beatles and Elvis combined. 

Justin TrudeauPrime Minister of Canada

Favorite music: Loverboy, Madonna

A child of divorce and raised by nannies, poor little rich kid Justin was a club kid. Justin and his friends would dress up and hit the clubs where Justin fell in love with Madonna’s music. He often told friends that he wanted to be Madonna when he grew up. Other favorites include Canadian rock gods, ‘Loverboy’, whose 1980’s hit ‘Working for the Weekend’ was Trudeau’s campaign song. 

Chuck SchumerUS Senator

Favorite music: Adult Contemporary, Easy listening, Broadway Show tunes. 

Chuck is a big fan of Air Supply, Judy Garland, Liza Minelli and anything show tune related. “When I was a boy I dreamed of being Ethel Merman” said Schumer, “I used to dress up in my Mother’s mink stoles and high heels and prance around the house.” My mother caught me and sent me away to boarding school, but I never lost my love for Broadway. 

Nancy Pelosi – US Congresswoman

Favorite music: The Ink Spots, Nat King Cole, Louis Armstrong

“I loved listening to the ‘darkies’ sing” said Pelosi. “The coloreds always looked so nice with their teeth all shiny and their white gloves. They were a real credit to their race. That’s why I enjoy listening to these rappers today, they are such a talented race.”

*Political Caricatures By Donkey Hotey Licensed Under CC By 2.0