Brian May Painfully Gored During Spain’s Running Of The Bulls

Brian May Painfully Gored During Spain’s Running Of The Bulls

Shocking footage has emerged showing Queen guitarist Brian May getting gored by a bull. The embarrassing photo and accompanying video detail how May ended up on the wrong end of the horns. Brian learned the hard way that if you mess with the bull you will get the horns. And get the horn he did as the horn ended up in May’s rear end. 

May who is in his late 70’s was horrifically gored during the annual running of the bulls in Pamplona Spain. Brian was seen smacking and tormenting the bull and managed to outrun the animal for several minutes. May who is incredibly fast and spry for his age, was leading the pack when he slipped running down an alleyway leading to the bull ring. At this point Brian ended up on the wrong end of the bulls horns.

Brian May Gored

While May was sprawled on the floor, the furious beast saw his chance and dug into Brian’s rectum with reckless abandonment. When it was all said and done, May ended up with the bull’s horn some 11 inches up his rectum, causing “severe” injuries. “It was horrific” said witness Miguel Padron. “The bull seemed to really relish inflicting pain on that guy, but like the old saying goes, you mess with the bull you get the horns”. 

Brian May Painfully Gored During Spain’s Running Of The Bulls

May is fine now however and has been released from hospital. “It was quite painful not to mention embarrassing. I passed out and woke up with a giant beast going at my hind quarters. It reminded me of the time I fell asleep at one of Freddie Mercury’s parties. Anyway it’s all good now and I shall return next year. I think I got the hang of this thing and will try a new strategy next time.

Rectum!? Nearly Killed ’em

Brian is not the first rock star to be anally gored during the event. David Crosby suffered the same fate back in 2016. This of course does not even count the time The Village People performed in Pamplona in 1977.

May has had buttocks trouble in the past as well. A few years back his buttocks were ripped to shreds by a rabid wolverine. This incident occurred while May was gardening in the nude. May originally stated that his injury was due to overenthusiastic gardening. He then realized the gardening story made him sound like an even bigger weirdo, so he came clean and confessed the true story. 

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