Alec Baldwin Flamethrower Accident Causes Massive CA Wildfires

Alec Baldwin Flamethrower Accident Causes Massive CA Wildfires

A movie shoot starring Alec Baldwin went disastrously wrong when Baldwin misfired a ‘prop’ flamethrower. This accidentally ignited a wildfire that consumed thousands of acres in California.

The rapidly moving brush fire destroyed at least 20 homes and forced the evacuation of nearly a thousand homes in Orange County, California.

The Coastal Fire began in the Aliso and Wood Canyons Wilderness Park and quickly grew to about 200 acres, Orange County Fire Authority Assistant Chief of Field Operations Chad Gomez said. The fire then spread into the city of Laguna Niguel and ripped through mansions along hillside streets in one of California’s richest neighborhoods.

Rust Never Sleeps

Baldwin was shooting a new movie on location at the Wilderness Park when the incident occurred. This was Alec’s first movie since he ‘accidentally’ shot an ‘unloaded’ ‘prop’ gun on the set of the movie ‘Rust’ killing the cinematographer and injuring the director. 

Alec Baldwin Flamethrower Accident Causes Massive CA Wildfires

The new film is titled “14 Fists of McCluskey” and is ironically a movie about an unlucky actor who has constant issues on every movie set. Baldwin plays the sad sack bumbling actor ‘McCluskey’. McCluskey is kind of like a Mr. Magoo type who burns, shoots, stabs and bungles his way through Hollywood. He leaves death and destruction in his wake everywhere he goes. 

Alec Baldwin is a Menace

“We took every precaution possible” said Director James Edwards. “We knew going in that Baldwin was a walking disaster so we stripped search everyone coming onto location every day.  No knives or guns of any kind were allowed. We didn’t even allow silverware at the Kraft food service. Even the plastic sporks all had to be accounted for so Alec wouldn’t ‘accidentally’ scoop someone’s eye out. How this happened is beyond me. We did not give him a real flamethrower. We gave him a nerf gun and we were going to CGI the flames and weapon in later during editing. How the F*ck did he manage to get real flames to come out of a nerf gun. The man is a menace.”

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