Man Claims To Have Captured Elvis Presley Alive & On Camera

Man Claims To Have Captured Elvis Presley Alive & On Camera

A Michigan hunter who set up camp in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula captured footage of what some believe to be Elvis Presley, catching the attention of Animal Planet. 

The hunter, Randall Omdahl, recorded the suspicious creature on one of his many trail cameras set up on his 80 acres of property in Menominee. He used the trail cameras primarily to monitor game moving through his land.

Finding Elvis

Omdahl didn’t want to tell anyone about what he believed he witnessed on his cameras because he figured he would get called crazy, his wife Babs told Madhouse News. Instead, he reached out to the producers of the Animal Planet show “Finding Elvis” to get their thoughts.The next day, they said they were coming to Michigan to investigate. The producers were massively impressed by the fact Omdahl had managed to get three snaps of the mysterious creature.

In the 45-years since Elvis Presley’s death, many Elvis fans have remained certain that he actually faked his passing so he could enjoy a relaxed life away from fame. Ever since his tragic demise in 1977, there have been countless sightings of the King, who would be 87-years old if he were still alive today. Of all the sightings however, the most recent in Michigan seems to be the most legitimate. 

Man Claims To Have Captured Elvis Presley Alive & On Camera


Michigan has always been a hot bed of Elvis sightings. By the late 1980s, Elvis Presley spotters pointed towards Kalamazoo, Michigan, a city The King played at four months before his death. In 1988, a woman named Bonnie Cuthbert claimed she had seen Elvis standing in line at the local Felpausch supermarket. He had a white jumpsuit (obviously) and purchased Funyons and Cheez Whiz. Cuthbert’s daughter later saw him eating Whoppers at Burger King. “What gives this account eerie credibility,” expert Duane Kaufman told Madhouse News, “is that Burger King was by far Elvis’s favorite fast food chain.”

Omdahl claims that he also has video footage of Elvis. “Of course it is blurry but if you listen carefully you can hear the figure singing Hunka Hunka Burning Love. Then at the end, the blurry figure can be heard saying Thank You, Thank You very much.” 

Naysayers wonder why we can produce crystal clear pictures and videos of Uranus and Mars but we still can’t get a clear photo of an alleged Elvis Presley in the woods. The official BigFoot and Elvis Sighting Society of North America have declared this to be an extremely credible sighting and have dispatched 50 of their best verifiers to the site.

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