Nick Jonas Hidden Message Written on His Teeth During Grammys!


The Jonas Brothers delivered a totally forgettable performance, but the most memorable event at this year’s Grammy’s seems to be that Nick Jonas had something on his teeth during the Jonas Brothers performance. 

Fans took to social media to discuss what they believed to be food on his teeth, a bit of spinach, a leaf of lettuce, a crust of bread. What was that thing on his teeth!? Could it be that a professional act would go on national TV with food in their teeth!? 

Well the answer is No! Nick Jonas confirmed to Madhouse News today, that there was no food on his teeth. It was in fact a hidden message. Nick Jonas had cleverly written on his teeth “Epstein Did Not Kill Himself”!

Nick Jonas Political Stand at the Grammys

This message of course was alluding to Billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, who many say was murdered in his jail cell and did not in fact kill himself as the man is trying to get us to believe. 

Nick Jonas came clean when faced with the toothy evidence and stated “Yeah man, no way that dude killed himself. I just felt i needed to do something, so right before we went on, I decided to write it on my teeth. I am a rebel, man!”

Next, we will look into and address the fact that Nick Jonas has 3 front teeth.