Willie Nelson Goes Over Niagara Falls in Barrel 

To celebrate his favorite day of the year, singer Willie Nelson went over Niagara Falls in a barrel. Nelson made history by becoming the oldest person to ever accomplish the daring feat. Between 1901 and 1995, 15 people went over the falls; 10 of them survived.

Willie used an oaken pickle barrel with a crudely cushioned interior. He tested the barrel by sending it over the falls with a cat and a monkey stuffed inside. The traumatized feline and chimp both survived the plunge. So Nelson knew it was ready for a full grown country superstar.

Lucky Pillow

The barrel was put over the side of a rowboat, and Nelson climbed in, along with his lucky marijuana-shaped pillow. After screwing down the lid, friends Snoop Dogg, Neil Young and John Mellencamp used a bicycle tire pump to compress the air in the barrel. The hole used for this was plugged with a cork, and Nelson was set adrift near the American shore, south of Goat Island. 

Willie Nelson Goes Over Niagara Falls in Barrel 

​Less than twenty minutes later, he was recovered from the bottom of the falls, bleeding from the head but otherwise uninjured. “It was wild man, I smoked a joint, laid back and enjoyed the ride. It was a little bumpy there towards the end, but it was fun” said Nelson. “I even wrote a song on the way down.” 

Every minute, nearly four million cubic feet of water cascades over Niagara Falls’ 167-foot drop, giving the falls the greatest flow rate in the world of any waterfall over 50 meters high. Such a formidable force of nature has naturally attracted a certain breed of person eager to conquer it. 

Nelson was tased on the ‘nads and handed a $2,300 penalty. He was also given a lifetime ban from Canada, to which Nelson replied “Thank You”. 

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